For Javier Urrego Jimenez
With the announcement of the retirement of General Zapateiro, the end of the Duque government begins to take shape. And it was time. It was time to end this government that reached 76% disapproval at the time, with its corruption scandals, its many false starts and especially its ineptitude. And it is that despite the fact that the outgoing president appears in the news to say that this was the government that invested the most in social programs and that did the most for the environment, the environment that it leaves among the population is not even close to the national reality .
Returning to General Zapateiro, The army and the so-called law enforcement forces that control the monopoly force police, Inpec, the national army, etc.) are the hardest hit by the end of this government. Never before have they had such a bad image as now. It is enough for us to recall the final report of the truth commission, which suggests that a large part of the horrors of the conflict were either caused, propitiated, or allowed by some force attached to the state. And it is precisely this general projection that encompasses all this perception and everything that will have to change from now on. A superb army without having a single unquestionable or honorable action. Let us think, for example, of the renowned operations that killed or captured a high command of the many illegal armed groups that exist in the country. The first, the one by alias Guacho was a laughing stock after Duque came out to tell Guacho he had run out of guachafita. We also have the case of alias Matamba who escaped, like many others, under the nose of Inpec. And what to say about the icing on the cake: the capture of alias Otoniel, who finally fell after more than 20 years of career in the underworld.
A few years ago these operations would have earned the army the unanimous recognition of the population, but today when unsubscribes, it is known that the Army itself bombs children, makes false positives, indistinctly kills the population, commits sexual crimes and so on, no one celebrates or trusts any uniformed officer from this institution anymore. Because, it must be said, it is the institution as such, it is General Zapateiro and the high command of the army that are "damaged" and not, as was once said: a few rotten apples.
This concerns the Army, but not to mention the Police, the Inpec... We would fill up the Navy folios and files of reports with all the bad things they have done, compared to the little they have done, in recent and previous years. For now, all that remains is to say: Wow! General Zapateiro, you were taking a long time.
July 3, 2022